We are Project Church, a place for people in progress. We are all broken people trying to become more like Jesus. And that’s the whole point of why Project Church exists… “It’s all about Jesus.”
In the Bible, Jesus commands us to make disciples (Matthew 28:19) and love people (Matthew 22:37, 38). In a nutshell, our vision & mission are to do what Jesus commands us to do: make disciples, love people and plant churches. We believe that through starting more churches, we can effectively make disciples and love communities of people well!
Our Values
Jesus: Our Message
Everything we do centers around worshipping Jesus and making His name known.
BIBLE: Our Guide
We will share God’s word unashamedly and unabashedly, not straying away from any subject.
Presence: Our Priority
We prioritize the presence of God in every atmosphere and will not move forward without it.
CREATIVE: Our Spirit
We create lives in which all aspects of it center around worshipping our Creator.
We strive to foster authentic relationships through small group discipleship.
TEAM: Our Strength
We will work side by side, sharing in the joy of being used by God.
GENEROSITY: Our Privilege
Through money, time and energy, we will bless our community and our world.
PRAYER: Our Power
We will seek God for everything and to be in everything.
HONOR: Our Culture
We cultivate a culture of honor, celebrating those above us, beside us and below us.
We will celebrate, value and empower the next generation to impact our world.
If you’re too big to serve, you’re too small to lead. We serve because it is what true leadership looks like.
PROJECT: Our Identity
We recognize that we are all a work in progress. None of us are perfect and if you are we suggest you find another church.

WE BELIEVE… The Scriptures are inspired by God.
WE BELIEVE… There is only one true God–revealed in three persons.
WE BELIEVE… In the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE… That sin is anything done outside of faith and was introduced to humanity through Adam and Eve.
WE BELIEVE… Every person can be saved by grace through faith.
WE BELIEVE… and practice two ordinances: Water baptism by immersion and Holy communion
WE BELIEVE… The nine fruits of the Spirit are the by-product of a Spirit-filled life and are all in the context of love and done in an orderly way.
WE BELIEVE… Sanctification is instantaneous at Salvation and continuous as we become more Christ-like through our position in Christ.
WE BELIEVE… The Church is following the Mission of Jesus to seek and save all who are lost.
WE BELIEVE… In servant leadership that empowers the Church.
WE BELIEVE… That God is able to heal and restore us physically, spiritually and emotionally.
WE BELIEVE… that Jesus will Return.